1878 Ives "POLO" Cast Iron Toy Cap Pistol

1878 Ives

Early single shot, single action, "POLO" cast iron toy cap pistol manufactured by Ives. Excellent condition with most of its original japanning intact. 

Derringer style cap gun reminiscent of early U.S. Flintlock pistol. Features curved cross-hatched grips and embossed "POLO" on both frame sides. Hammer requires manual cocking before firing. Trigger squeeze smoothly releases hammer for striking single cap well. Barrel begins as octagon and then becomes circular for most of its length. Also has front barrel site. 

No manufacturers mark. Marked only with "POLO". This cap gun is categorized as P17 in Charles Best's, Cast Iron Toy Pistols, A Collector's Guide.

Size: 6".

Sold: Nov. 2010

Price Sold: $ 290


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